Livestock Feeds

* Products marked with an asterisk are typically kept in stock. Other items are always available to be ordered with a turn around time of only 7 days - and may be in stock depending on the season.

Corn, Oats, Barley w/ Mol *

3-grain mix with molasses designed to increase energy consumption.


Rolled Oat Groats *

Steam rolled oats used to increase fill, appetite, and gut health.


Rolled Barley *

Processed grain utilized to increase energy in livestock.


Rolled Corn *

#1 energy source provided for livestock.


Crimped Oats

Processed oats with multiple uses. Consult with us for your perfect use.


Corn, Oats, Barley Dry

Multispecies 3-grain mix with no molasses to increase energy in livestock.


M.O.B. (Molasses, Oats, Barley)

Mutlispecies 2-grain mix source for energy.


AFS Power Perfomance Supplement

A high protein feed supplement for all livestock.


Llama Pellet 15%

A well balanced ration specifically formulated for llamas and alpacas. Can be used for all life stages.


AFS Sweet Elite

Textured sweet feed for cattle and goats.


AFS Livestock Pellet 12%

A 12% protein, dry pellet for livestock.

*Do not feed to sheep


AFS All Stock 14%

A 14% protein general livestock feed. Textured with added molasses.

*Do not feed to sheep