Alfalfa Products

* Products marked with an asterisk are typically kept in stock. Other items are always available to be ordered with a turn around time of only 7 days - and may be in stock depending on the season.

Showmaker Show Rabbit *

16% protein, corn-free mini-pellet designed for all groups of rabbits.


Alfalfa Pellets 1/4”

Preferred forage source for increased protein & energy in all species of livestock.


Alfalfa Cubes

Preferred forage source to increase protein & energy in large livestock (i.e. cattle, horses, etc.)


Alfalfa Oat Cubes

Mixed forage cube designed for large livestock species to increase protein & energy consumption.


Alfalfa Timothy Cubes

A forage cube designed for horses with moderate protein & high digestible fiber.


Timothy Pellets

A forage pellet for livestock with moderate protein & high digestible fiber. Can be fed to smaller livestock.


Oats, Alfalfa & Molasses

A moderate protein, highly digestible grain forage mix to increase energy.